What is Saving?
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Written by Online Support
Updated over a week ago


Today I will inform you about a new option in ZEDCEX exchange.
Which we have chosen to give a extra service and to let our users earn extra money.

Every user has a wallet where they are holding their cryptocurrency Tokens and once in a while they are using the tokens to trade.
But there are times that we are not using our Cryptocurrency tokens for some times due to the market situation or any other reasons and the tokens will stay in the wallet.
But now in ZEDCEX Exchange, we can receive a profit during the break or during the peak period when we do not trade.
To do this, we have to enter the wallet section and after to the saving section, and as you can see, select the desired cryptocurrency, which is mentioned with specific profits, and you can choose your desire amount to add in your saving account after that you start to earn the Extra profit from it.
Every 8 hours, the profit is automatically transferred to your wallet.
But the important and good point is that you can take your cryptocurrency out of your saving account anytime you desire.

This is a great opportunity to earn money when you are taking a rest from trading. Start today and be happy everyday with the extra money you are receiving.

USDT 7-days APY 9.0%
BTC 7-days APY 4.5 %
ETH 7-days APY 4.5 %

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A crypto savings account is a financial arrangement that allows crypto investors to make returns while holding their cryptocurrency assets passively. In plain terms, a crypto savings account let you to deposit and store your assets while you receive yields on your savings.

At this moment ZEDCEX Exchange has following options for the saving account with the percentage mentioned.

ZEDCEX crypto savings account functions like a traditional savings account. You use a ZEDCEX savings account to deposit assets. Except instead of dealing with funds in fiat, your funds get held in a cryptocurrency of your choice for 7 Days and you will receive the high percentage which is settled in return yearly. By clicking on the Auto Subscription Button you will be automatically saving your funds every 7 Days till you stop saving.

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