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Written by Online Support
Updated over a week ago

For greater credibility, ZEDCEX also offers verification on collections. This is available for established projects and will allow the collection items to be featured on the ZEDCEX landing page.


Getting verified on ZEDCEX is a great way of promoting your work and profile. All verified collections will receive a verified 'tick' on their collection card, symbolizing that the collection has been authenticated by the ZEDCEX team. Similar to verified user profiles.

Items in verified collections will also have all their attributes indexed and supported, allowing users to filter based on their unique metadata.

For custom collections, we will also be able to verify and support native royalty settings for project teams.

Users exploring the marketplace can rest assured that collections with a verified 'tick' and items within have been vetted. Historically, verified collections & items also have a higher sale conversion.

Application process

If you are the collection owner or team member, please reach out to our team via our Intercom support widget on the bottom right of your screen to begin the verification process.

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